1 Minute Procrastination Tip.

Try this 1 min tip next time you notice yourself procrastinating about something important.

Is The Problem Fear of Failing (or perhaps not living up to your own expectations)?

If yes – articulate the fear.

e.g., “I’m worried I’ll start my craft project and I won’t finish it, or it will be ugly”.

Get Physically Soft to the Fear

State the fear to yourself, and let it land (rather than trying to distract yourself from the fear), and then breathe slowly for 1 min. Breathe in slowly and smoothly through your nose. On each out-breath, slowly breathe all the air out from your lungs.

Slow breathing reduces physiological tension so you won’t feel like you need to struggle against the fear so much, which will help you reduce your avoidant coping. When fear of failure creeps into your thought stream, your fight / flight / freeze reaction won’t be so gripping or spiky.

Once you feel physically soft, identify the next action required e.g., you need to find your knitting needles.

If the problem isn’t fear of failure, sorry this tip isn’t relevant for you.