Big 5 Model of Personality and Free Online Big 5 Personality Test (comprehensive)

The Big 5/Big Five is generally considered the most important psychological model of personality. Its supported by a huge amount of scientific research.

The premise of the Big 5 is that five dimensions are the most important in understanding people’s personalities: Extroversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to Experience.

Everyone who’s interested in understanding their personality should learn about the Big 5 Personality Traits (and avoid personality theories like the Enneagram which aren’t supported by scientific findings in the way the Big Five Model is).

You can take a free online questionnaire to find out where you fit on each of the main Big 5 dimensions (and on subdimensions of the main five factors). It’s here – Big 5 Personality Traits Online Test.

It automatically calculates your scores so no hand scoring required.