Procrastination Help

Real Procrastination Help

When you procrastinate, it’s not so much that you’re avoiding doing the procrastinated action,…

…you’re avoiding the thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations that get triggered when you do the procrastinated action (or in some cases when you think about doing the procrastinated action).

It’s a type of experiential avoidance, meaning you avoid behaviours and situations that have the potential to benefit you or help you avoid harm because it’s difficult to tolerate the thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations that those behaviours and situations trigger.

Even though you might feel good things when you eventually do a procrastinated activity, it’s likely that it will still at least to some extent stir anxieties, or shame thoughts, or physical tension, or fatigue, etc.

Examples of

– thoughts (e.g., “am I going to be a success?” “Are other people going to judge me?” “It’s not fair I have to do this” “I should’ve done this ages ago, what’s wrong with me?”),

– feelings (anxiety, guilt, shame, irritation, loneliness), and

– physical sensations (e.g. tensing up, heart beating faster, fatigue)

Practical Procrastination Help Exercise Here.