Willpower Day 7 – Using Small Tweaks to Change How Much Effort It Feels Like to Do Something

Sometimes making a very small tweak will make something feel like a lot less effort to do.

Here’s a few examples from my own life.

– I started buying passata (sieved, crushed tomato in a bottle) and it dramatically increased how often I make my own pasta sauce. I don’t know why using whole peeled tomato seems like more effort but it does. (If you’re in Chch, I buy it here).

– I have a cleaner come to my house on Friday afternoons which means putting things away on Friday mornings before she gets here, and increases the probability of putting things away. When I get home from work on Friday, it feels like my efforts have magically multiplied.

– I found some instant corn masa mix which has dramatically increased making burritos. I only make 1 at a time so I used to get frustrated that I would end up buying a pack of 8 and throwing most of them away. Now I just mix a few tablespoons of the mix with water and can make burritos on the spur of the moment.

– I discovered that I could line my big pan (one that goes on top of the stove rather than inside it) with baking paper meaning I don’t have to clean it and therefore use it more often.

Of course there are alternative solutions to the above problems but these are the ones I actually use.

theicebreak’s Date in a Box

Another option that fits into the category of things that make desirable behavior A LOT easier is theicebreak’s Date in a Box. The theme for this month’s box is Under the Stars. (It’s free shipping in the US only, sorry kiwis). Full disclosure: I’m an advisor to the company but I <3 the Date Boxes. What You Can Do

Can you think of any tweaks related to your willpower goal that would make behaviors that you want to increase feel a lot easier?